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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fit for Life

I wrote this item before I started working, but did not get it posted. Here it is now.

I am not saying for you to go buy their book or join their weight –loss plan. I want to give you my ‘testimony’ of how I discovered Fit-for-life and how it has helped me. I have had digestive problems since I was a kid. My mama told me a story today about when I was 3 years old and was constipated. It was a cute story. When I heard it, I realized I’d had the problems since I was 3!

While I lived in Germany, some of my friends were on the Fit-for-Life way of eating to lose weight and feel better. They suggested I do so. I had tried many different types of diets to help me control the ten-fifteen pounds I deal with most of the time. (I figure if I can keep that off, then maybe I won’t gain way much more than I want to gain.) I did not want to try another diet or read another book on healthy stuff, so I just smiled.

Then, one day I was in a thrift store looking at books. On a shelf, all by itself lay a Fit-for-Life book, with the title facing me. Now, I looked at that book, and thought maybe God wanted me to read it, so I chose it. As I read it, I realized a lot of it talked about the same issues that I had heard a speaker talk about only a few months earlier.

I have followed the FFL way of eating for about 5 years now, most of the time. It is hard to do so when we eat out or have church dinners, eat with friends, etc. But, I figure if we do so at home, when those events happen, then that is our splurge-times. We just have to balance the splurges.  When I eat FFL, I do feel better and don’t battle with my digestive problems as much.

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