Tonight I met my e-cousin. After my parents divorced when I was a small child, I did not grow up with or know my cousins on my father’s side. About 12 years ago, one of them and I met over the internet. We neither one can remember just what led up to the meeting, but during the years, we have kept in touch off and on and more often as the years went on. She has ‘followed’ us as we moved to Alaska, Germany then on to Utah and now to Georgia. I have ‘followed’ her through her ministry and acting career. All online.
Last May we retired and moved to my parents’ home town, where a good many of my cousins live. This weekend is the reunion for my father’s side and I got to go to a supper tonight and meet all these people I do not know and hopefully get to know them!
I was out on the back porch eating and heard that my e-cousin had arrived. I gave her family time to get in the house and say hello to ones close at hand, then I walked into the dining room and stood watching her for a few seconds before she noticed me. It was so exciting when she looked and realized I was there. She did not expect me until tomorrow for the reunion. We were finally face to face and could hear each other’s voices instead of chatting online or reading emails. Don’t know why we never picked up the phone, but we had not. Well, we finally got to meet! Her parents informed us that we did meet when we were younger (20+ years ago) but it was for only a few minutes and did not know each other back then. Now, we do.
It is so nice to be home.
The photo is the two of us with our younger writer cousin. Belinda, Ariel & Laura