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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I found this flower while going for my walk today. A special blessing from God this morning.

And the other one the next morning! And many more little flowers peeking out to me from the growth among the blackberry bushes in the back yard. I am sure I cut some of them down the other day when I mowed the paths again.

signature bja
This morning, I was singing 'We'll be Jolly Friends forever more!" But could not come up with the whole song. It started because I caught some of that rain water in a 5-gallon bucket yesterday to water plants with later. So, I typed in 'slide down my cellar door' online and came up with the words to the song and an interesting link to share.

"Oh Playmate, come out and play with me And bring your dollies three. Climb up my apple tree, Look down my rain barrel, Slide down my cellar door And we'll be jolly friends forever more."

I used to sing the song when I was a child and skip around the yard while doing so. I did not know the verses, just that part.

signature bja