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Thursday, September 2, 2010


I finished my walk and was about 6 ft from the humming bird feeder when two swooped by me. One was keeping the other away from the feeder. I watched as they fought for the perch. I couldn't help but think there are plenty of openings for several to sit and eat, but they have to be there one at a time. I shook my head and wondered at the whole wide world, from the children in the nursery arguing over toys to the leaders of countries arguing over land etc. Made me think of a 60s song about getting together and loving one another right now. Why can't we all get along?

signature bja

home made facial scrub

I thought about this so did a search. There are many recipes out there. Here are the two I plan to try.

Salt facial scrub

Ingredients: Salt, baby oil, Vitamin E, fragrance (if you want it).
Take a bottle with a lid. Fill more than half of the bottle with salt. Add baby oil into it. Stir
it with a spoon so that the oil seeps to the bottom of the bottle. Add a small amount of
vitamin E and fragrance. And stir it all together. There you are with your ready to use scrub.

1 tsp olive oil ( cold pressed ) and 1/2 tsp sea salt applied gently to a wet face will not only remove dead cells, but it will also improve micro-circulation. Olive oil is going to nourish the skin, leaving it incredibly soft.

signature bja