Now they have been gone through and changed to ATTIC boxes. However, there is only one large and one small one and a suitcase. Some of the items I decided to display and some went in the trash, shredded, etc.
One thing I did while going through them was to take 7 plastic coffee cans to put items in for my daughters and grandchildren. I wrote their names on them and as I came across items I thought they may be interested in, I put them in those cans. That way, one day, whether at my death or cleaning out again, they can take the cans and go through them for special items ... or toss them in the trash. :) Their choice, but with that idea, I think I will wait until I die... hehehe.
It was neat seeing cards we had saved from family and friends during the years. Some of those are gone now, but I got to enjoy them one more time. Some are still here for me to see again at another time of reminiscing.