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Friday, March 21, 2014

My husband I read the Bible through last year. It was his first time reading it all in one year and I was happy for him because I remember my first time reading it in a year. Previously, we had read it together and it took us over 2 years to read it.

I found  many years ago, that if I read 4 pages a day, I can read my Bible through in a year. Then I marked the months along the way at the top of the pages so I know if I get behind and can catch up.

This year, I want to read the New Testament with a Bible study book so I can see what else there is to see and learn more. I wondered how many chapters I needed to read a day or whatever to finish in one year. There are 260 chapters so, I don't have to read a whole chapter a day, but can take my time and study.

I got the following from :

  • There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament and 260 chapters in the New Testament. This gives a total of 1,189 chapters (on average, 18 per book).