A quote that is in this book. A quote that I have used for over ten years to remind me of my limits when I or others try to make me do more than I know I can do physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.
This morning, at the church, while cleaning, I knew that after I got the stove clean, that was going to be all I could do and not get too tired. With that and the combination of the chemical smells, I knew I had to leave, so I quoted the above to some ladies and told them about the book. They made a 'joke' of it and laughed. I wanted to tell them that they could laugh if they wanted, but I wished I had read that book when I was younger .... before I wore myself out. Maybe I would not have the ailments I now have .... if I had not tried to do everything everyone expected of me! I like a quote a friend told me once a few years ago, "I refuse to buy into the super-woman mentaility"
I saw a yellow butterfly today. It was enjoying our back yard.