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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MUFA foods

Olives and olive oil
Nuts and nut oils
Seeds and seed oils
Chocolate (Dark)

MUFA is short for monounsaturated fat, a good fat. It is supposed to help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol.

They say (right now) these foods are good for you. If you want to do a search, you can see why. As with all things, everyone does not agree.
We try to work at least one with each meal. We have a mixture of ground flaxseed, chopped walnuts and cinnamon we use on our cereal and in our cookies. I use ground flaxseed in most of my baked goods. I call my biscuits 'Southern Biscuits' because they have freckles.
Well, anyway that is why we call chocolate covered nuts, MUFA-MUFA.

signature bja

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