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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Retirement Quilt

In 2005, I decided to make a biscuit quilt. I saw one somewhere and thought, ‘how neat!’ I began sewing each little pillow, and then connected them into sections. I jokingly called it our retirement quilt, because I thought it would take that long to finish it. I wanted no two squares the same so it did some doing to find the material for all the pillows. It took me 3 years! There are two squares the same but I did that for a game for the grandkids to figure out which two. I also broke about 20 sewing machine needles doing this project. When I ran out of material, and could not get to the store for more, I started going through our closet and eliminating clothing we did not need anymore! I finally got it done and a year later, we retired.


The Loveless Family said...

It's beautiful! One of these days, I would love to try my hand at quilting. Maybe when the kids are older.

Barbara said...

Yes is beautiful too, and so warm in the winter, hugs sis

Sharon said...

It's a beautiful quilt! My daughter is working on her first quilt and doing a wonderful job!

Belinda Jo Adams said...

Thank you for your nice comments on the quilt. It definitly was a work of love.