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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Elvis Smoothie

Good morning! No, I am not an Elvis fan!

My husband and I have been drinking fruit smoothies for about a month. We have one for breakfast and supper. I am concerned with getting TOO much fruit (carbs - sugar) So, I have tried, this week, doing a protein one for breakfast.

This morning, I was craving Elvis toast for breakfast. If you don't know what that is, they say he liked banana and peanut butter on toast. I did not know that and I made toast like that for a friend once and she exclaimed, "Oh, Elvis toast!" When I make mine, I include honey and cinnamon.

I started with 1 cup of milk, added our 'the mix'*, then a half a banana, 1 t. peanut butter, cinnamon, and honey. Blended it and it was yummy!

* - the mix = uncooked oatmeal, nuts, cinnamon


Lori said...

We love Elvis toast! My sweet son loves it grilled like grilled cheese. Happy New Year, Belinda Jo!

Barbara said...

Yeah that sounds good, and the protein fruit shakes are the most healthy, Chuck lived on them for a year when he had that throat cancer...
Happy New Year.