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Sunday, April 25, 2010


When one of our daughters was a teen ager, she told me that I would be good in the ‘Little House on the Prairie Days’. Why? Because I knew how to make things last and to make do with what we had. I did that because we had to make things last and go farther because of our choice for me to stay home and be a housewife. (Today, that is called stay-at-home-mom).

Last week in the office, a comment was made about being frugal and a 22-yr old said, “What is frugal?” I looked at the young man, and said with a smile, “A word that your generation does not know.” Then we explained what it meant and he agreed with me.

I know some young people today do know what that means, but it seems so much is given to today’s youth that I fear for them if they ever truly have to make ends meet.

signature bja

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