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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Best Gift

Hearing my babies’ first words – Helping with their first steps – Enduring the agony as well as enjoying the thrill of them cutting teeth. – Listening to their stories. – Stopping their arguments – Drying their tears and sharing their hugs. – Supporting them during problems ... and victories – Taking time to teach them God’s Word. – Eight and a half years of teaching them at home, both school work and homemaking.
Time with my husband, no matter what schedule he worked. – Taking time for each other as well as the children. – One whole year of him coming home for lunch with us. – Family vacations without the conflict of job schedules.
Serving The Lord through various ministries of our church and helping others in need. – Now, time for fulfilling one of my heart’s desires with my writing; hoping to be a witness and blessing to others.
I know this may sound like a lot of gifts, but my husband and I made a decision more than thirty-seven years ago, that I would stay home and be a full time housewife. Now that the children are grown and I look back over the years, I know making that choice has been my best gift.

© Belinda Jo Adams


Sandra said...

Amen!!! Women just don't realize what they are missing by giving up all this for a career. Men don't either. I respect my husband so much more for working to keep me at home and wanting to provide for us.

Belinda Jo Adams said...

I wrote this in 1995 for a Thanksgiving assignment at my writer's group. I keep updating the years!