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Monday, February 8, 2010

Brain Games

I have a confession to make. I like to do the picture puzzles in Highlights for Children Magazine. You know those puzzles where they have 2 pictures and one has changes in it? Usually at a doctor’s office, I look for the magazine and do the puzzle. In my head, of course, so the children can enjoy it.
Yesterday, at the grocery store, I saw a magazine on the rack at the cash register. There was only one and looked like it was out of place. I picked it up and then added it to my stack of groceries. Now, I usually resist impulse buying, but as to my confession, this one was picture puzzles! I hesitated at the $3.99 price, but then I was buying 2 dozen eggs for about that much. The book would last us much longer and I could pass it on to my parents to enjoy, and then keep it around for a conversation piece.
We have enjoyed seeing how many differences we could find and are doing pretty good. Of course, we are still in level 1 of 4 levels. They say it gets harder. But, then we are supposed to be exercising our brains, right?!
I just researched the book online. I guess it was a sample or smaller version and the #3.99 is a good deal. Their books are about $12.99 each!


Marilyn in Mississippi said...

Our 4-year-old granddaughter was over today and I was letting her do "school" in a pre-school workbook I had picked up at the Dollar Tree. That was pretty much what the exercises were about....look and see what is different about the pictures. Of course they were very simple. I was pleasantly surprised that she got every one of them!

I'm so glad I found your blog. Am really enjoying it!

God bless, Mississippi

Barbara said...

Giggles, that is funny yeah some of those books can get really expensive, I too like to keep my mind sharp and do puzzles, personally I love the cross word puzzles belinda, that are real challenging at times..