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Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Homeschooling is a great adventure
A challenge and a blessing, too.
Learning comes not just from books.
There are many areas to pursue.

Seeing first hand what happens
By going on field trips galore.
Learning by on-hand experience
When freely allowed to explore.

If children can learn without hurry
And can go at their own pace,
Nothing can quite compare
With the victorious look on each face.

Being taught self-discipline is the answer
In learning to write, to cipher, or to read.
Training them to have concern for others
And helping when there is a need.

Homeschooling is not for everyone
But, for the ones who were willing to try,
God has surely blessed our efforts
And talents we were willing to apply.

© Belinda Jo Adams

1 comment:

Kim said...

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