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Thursday, July 22, 2021

 I also will have some of my books on sale (at a lower price), if you want a good deal on one come out and see what I have!

Friday, July 9, 2021

Answered Thought

 I was expecting an item in the mail. I had ordered it a couple weeks ago and was surprised it was taking so long to get to me. It was due in one more week and a couple days. I had ordered it for now,  though,  and was disappointed. I started to ask God to go ahead and send it to me. But I thought and told him that he had too many important things in the world to take care of to worry about that one little item that I wanted sooner than expected. And I went on about my way. When the mail came there was this package in it and I didn't know what in the world it was. And lo and behold who was the item I wanted just in time for when I needed it. And I hadn't even prayed about it but He knew a desire my heart.