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Friday, March 31, 2017

Making Our Words Sweeter

1 Corinthians 2:5  "That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God."

I have read this verse during the month and then read the verses around it. I haven’t focused on any one thought or received a touching devotion. Until today. And now two thoughts are bouncing around in my head.

# 1 - I am a no-nonsense person when it comes to talking to someone, especially on the phone.  I say what I want to say and the conversation is over! That is my tendency, anyway. I keep trying to change that and learn to use ‘small talk and pleasantries’ to …I guess to extend the conversation and get to know people better. Many times I fall short.

# 2 - I remember when preachers used to preach ‘hell fire and brimstone’ sermons, at least on Sunday mornings. They told people of their great sin and a Saviour who could forgive that sin. I also remember, almost to the moment, when the sermons changed to be more teaching than preaching.  I miss the hard preaching. I not only learned from it, but felt God leading me more. We also saw lots of people walking the aisles at church and getting saved, then living for God!

I wonder if Paul was being like that, preaching hard, expounding their sin, then decided he needed to use a sweeter tone to his approach. They say a little sweetness added to your words go along way. Just wondering here, for as I said, God didn’t give me a devotion from it this time.

So, back to the verse of the month. As we trust God to lead us in what to say to people, we can have the faith that the words that are used are not from our own wisdom, but the power of God will bless them to bring about His will.

 Belinda Jo