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Friday, January 20, 2017

Christmas trims are gone

Well, the Christmas items are put away. Today is January 20. Only about a month past Christmas day! I started decorating for the holidays the day after Thanksgiving. But before I could get it done, I became sick. I was so sick, I could not enjoy the special time of year that I enjoy so much. Then, while I was still recuperating, I decided that maybe I'd just leave everything up until after next Christmas, then I would not have to worry about my sickness to interfere.

But, alas, I could not stand the clutter. Since I have felt so good the past week or so, I took advantage of this summer-like day to organize the items so maybe it will be a quicker job done next year. And, maybe I will do it earlier since I seem to get sick in November.  September or October would be nice!
And, of course, I hope we can all keep the Christmas spirit in our hearts all year long.

Christmas trims are gone

Carols still sing in my heart

Hope it lasts all year

By BJA December 2014

Everyday Is Christmas

 Everyday is Christmas

Because of Jesus’ birth.

Joy stirred many hearts

When He came to earth.

Everyday is Christmas

For salvation He brings.

The love He shares

Makes our hearts sing.

 Everyday is Christmas

If we really care

For others around us and

The good news share.

Everyday is Christmas

With Jesus in our heart.

Having sweet fellowship

Only He can impart.

Everyday is Christmas

Let the whole world know.

By living our lives

So He will show.

By Belinda Jo Adams 12/ 1993