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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Cards

During the years, I have sent Christmas cards. Each year, I would think we could not afford it or did not have the time, but I wanted to keep up the tradition and considered it part of a Christmas gift to me. I enjoyed doing that and keeping in touch with our family and friends.
For the last few years, it has been a struggle to keep up that job ... and I am afraid it has become a job to me more than fun. Not because I don't want to do it, for I do. But, I am tired so much of the time, I feel I must give it up.
I have been limiting the cards I send out each year. Last year I down-sized our list to only friends who do not have email or on Facebook. So, this year I am making myself do so again.
Going on that quote I got from a book a long time ago, "What I can do is what I can do and what I can do is enough"*, I have to stick to this decision.
So, Merry Christmas to my friends one and all on the internet! God bless you and please, God, help us to remember the true reason for the season is JESUS!

* from the book: Women Who Do Too Much: How to Stop Doing It All and Start Enjoying Your Life by: Patricia Sprinkle