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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

New Cook Book

No, I am not that ambitious. And my cooking is too plain for anyone to want the recipes!  But, my niece had published her cookbook and I am proud of her. Here is the link:

signature bja

family research

I have been working on the family tree now since November 2010. I have found out so much, sometimes it is mind-boggling. But, exciting. I am now at the point of putting each family line into a booklet form for my parents. I thought I could make, for example, Jo's Family, then include the ancestry back as far as I could , then add the descendants at the end to connect the two lines. I made one for Steve's mom and it looks pretty good. Photos along the way, makes it less wordy.

When you run off a ancestral chart, there are a lot of repeats, which is good in its way, but for the book, I am taking out the repeats and instead of going by generations, I am going by family name (surname).

As I find items in the past, sometimes I am finding stories about our g-g-g-g-g-g grandparents. So, I am also getting people and story ideas for a new novel!

signature bja

my page on facebook

Someone told me I should make a page for my books on facebook. I did not realize how easy it would be, so as of yesterday, it is done! Well, started. My publisher had called recently (well, one of their workers trying to sell me a publicity campaign) and suggested I make a fan page. I did not know about that. It seems kinda conceited to  make a fan page for youself, but a page on my fb account did not seem that way. Maybe it is the same thing. I don't know! :)

signature bja