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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Too Much Online Time

Friday night we watched a play online about too much internet in our lives and it controlling us. This morning we woke up to Focus on the Family talking about too much internet in our lives and it controlling us. Hummmmm. 

So I stayed off FB for 7 hours. Not saying I am going to stay away, but I sure got a lot accomplished this morning. And I didn't think I was online too much. Something definitely to think seriously about. So, let's see how long I can go this time. I made it 22 hours the second time. Of course, I slept 8 of them. :)

Doing this, is making me realize that I am online more than I thought. Even though, I limit how much time I am on the internet. I have taken my name off a lot of places I used to get email from. I don't do Twitter. I don’t want to have a program where I just say something on the spur of the moment and it be out there for everyone to see ... and then realize I made a goof up in what I said.  No, Thank you! I would rather send someone a message or email so I have time to think what to write and they have time to think how to answer my message. And, I sure don't want to do an on-the-spot online movie! I don't even know if I want to go to another social media, if FB closes. I would miss seeing prayer requests and updates on people's lives, but sometimes, there is just too much drama in people's posts. Then, of course all the social or political things or ads are annoying.

Anyway, I have enjoyed my hours off line and hope to do even more down time.

Now, I guess I need to get offline and do something in my house! 😏