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Friday, October 23, 2020

I have been meaning to make eBooks by Belinda Jo Adams available as free downloads for a couple months now. But, life has prevented me from doing so. So, NOW!

Starting in 4 days! All (except Satilla Secrets & Lure of Alaska 'due to tech problems' -- that I may figure out by then) are free in the eBook format for 2 days. That's Oct 27 & 28 Pacific time.

Yes, ALL (hopefully all) will be free as downloads in the eBook format for 2 days only! Mark your calendars and get yours then!

 Well, I have made it through the pandemic, so far! Praise God from whom all blessing flow! Our world is sure a lot different now. Amazing what a year can do in our lives. I hope all of you are doing well, also!!!