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Thursday, August 1, 2024

 The last FREE eBook for this promotion is The Lure of Alaska.  Aug 1,2,3:

The Lure of Alaska on YouTube

The cover of the book has changed, the story has not!

THE LURE OF ALASKA: In the early 1900s, Cason Williams travels from Georgia to Alaska in search for an answer to why his friend died. Was it really an accident as the report said or was murder the real cause of death? And where is the gold Shane found? Will the old-timer Cason meets be able to help him survive the cold, dark winter of Alaska? While waiting for Cason to return, Anna, Shane’s FiancĂ©e back home in Georgia, is worried she will be forced into a marriage of convenience to help her mother keep their home. Lucille lives through an earthquake in San Francisco. Afterwards, with the help of her best friend, she tries to decide what to do about poor choices she made many years ago. The Lure of Alaska is a combination of these three short stories and how the lives of each character intertwines.

Monday, July 29, 2024

 The next to the last FREE eBook for this promotion is Satilla Secrets. This is the one about Blackshear, Georgia. It features the daughter of Clay & Beth from Silent Love.

Satilla Secrets on YouTube   

Many secrets were kept during the years as our ancestors settled this land. Satilla Secrets tells of one kept by the Smith family as they settled in the southeast area of Georgia. Read how they survive in the untamed land of outlaws and Indian attacks and help bring a longed-for town into a reality. Bonus Section: Included in the back of the book is a time line of that period of Pierce County history.

Friday, July 26, 2024

 July 26,27,28: Free eBook is the Psalm 119 devotional book. This is a devotional for each section of that wonderful psalm. A thought for each day to make you want to study it more instead of just thinking how long that psalm is!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

 The FREE eBook for 23, 24, 25 of July is My Precious Jewel. It is a romance historical fiction novel.

You can see my video about the book here:

Friday, July 19, 2024

 Time for :

July 20, 21, 22 eBook Freebie is Proverbs Devotions.

Monday, July 15, 2024

 The next book that is in the eBook giveaway is Silent Love. The dates are July 17, 18, 19

Silent Love on YouTube

Saturday, July 13, 2024

 Third eBook in the giveaway is: Observations on God's Word. It is a devotional book.

The dates for it is: July 14, 15, 16   /    Proverbs will be 20, 21, 22    /     Psalm 119 will be 26, 27, 28

Thursday, July 11, 2024

 Next book for the eBook give-away is Beyond the Mountains. The cover is different than in the link from YouTube, but it is the same story.

The dates are 11-13.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

 FREE eBooks promotion!!! I've decided to put my eBooks available free again. Be sure to get yours during the dates of each one's promotion. Starts Monday July 8.

1st eBooks is The Inheritance by Belinda Jo Adams will be available FREE July 8-10 (Pacific Time)
Paperbacks can be ordered from Amazon. Just do a search by my name to find all my books.

The Inheritance Click on the link to see a video about the book.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wings of the Morning

 This morning I read PS 139 and verse 9 caught my attention. Afterwards I stepped onto the porch, enjoying the cool breeze. Then, I came inside and wrote this poem. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

 Our granddaughter graduated high school last night. When I looked at the photo,

 I thought, "Oh my!"

She looks like her 2X great grandmother!

Then I remembered, when she was 8 yrs old, I took one and did this connection with her great grandmother, Vera's daughter.

Amazing! And some say genetics don't count!

Saturday, May 11, 2024


Years ago, I put some of the verses I had learned onto cassette tapes. I listened to them occasionally to review and keep the verses in my mind.

A few years ago, I talked them into my computer program and have a file of them. I also have some done by other people that I have the disks for.

Often when I cannot sleep, I quote them until I fall asleep.

Now that I am older, I am finding that some of the verses are leaving me.  So I have started listening to them more often. It is neat to listen to them as I do dishes, or other household chores.

What do you do to help you memorize verses and review them?

Ps 119:11  Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.